Your Point of View
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Youth Violence
The Indy Star is now addressing Teen Violence as youth violence. Why? Because., thedowntown “Shoot-Out’’ last Saturday involved a 16 old girl, one 16 year
Common Sense Found in Genesis
Little noticed by most of you in Indianapolis but, Sports attorney William Bock says NCAA rules that allow women transgenders to compete against women are
Give up your fake smile
In the church we may tend to fake it by putting on a smile. Take off your mask and be real to those in your
Maybe there isn’t any truth in man’s ideology.
Maybe the Truth is found in the Bible !The Bible that predictedSpecifically and clearly theComing of Christ by Prophets from differentCenturies for 2000 yearsThen letters
Has God Put us on “Pause”?
Using tech terms, has God hit the pause button? The following from todays on line Sermon notes given by the Chapel Rock Minister Casey Scott.
The Church and America
Our founding fathers believed that our new nation was a melding pot; that the diverse ethnic and racial groups would retain would retain their identity
Hear the Word of the Lord said Isaiah
This taken from Isaiah 1:10 verse 10 – Hear the word of the Lord you rulers of Sodom ! Isaiah the Prophet of Israel and
Have we American moved from this to:
Jerusalem staggersJuda is falling,Their words and deeds are against the Lord,Defying his glorious presenceThe look on their faces testifies against them ;They parade their sin
Express “Your Point of View” as a Christian in 200 words or less.
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