The Indy Star is now addressing Teen Violence as youth violence. Why? Because., the
downtown “Shoot-Out’’ last Saturday involved a 16 old girl, one 16 year old boy .three 14 year
old girls and one 12 year old . This was after 11:30 pm . The Mayor is struggling to decrease all
crime . The newest answer is to appoint a Chief Violence Prevention Officer tasked with
addressing “ The Root causes” of youth crime . Stated by some as “Systemic Poverty”. No
where do I see parent neglect as a cause of problems with our youth. Black Youth is shown by
civic reports to be nine times as likely to be shot in Indianapolis. Does that mean the Black
Community has more guns , all are poor, have neglectful parents ? Certainly not. Rather we all
are in our current culture conflict one place or another letting our Lord just be canceled out of
any problem solving. All the answers will be found in God’s Book. Slowly generation after
generation our Culture has excluded Church as a part of our youth’s training . Those trained up
in the ways of the Lord will have less problems or be found on the streets at 11;30 pm in such
situations. As the prophets of old warned their Kings of a sliding away from God’s laws, we are
in need of the public and the Church to speak of the real culture slide . Let Good be called Good
and Evil be called evil again.