Be Glorified

God  night family and friends.

I shared this thought with someone. Our parents were taught and some of them, not all accepted the teaching without question. And now we can learn for ourselves. What I am saying is their generation and generations before they were killed if they were caught reading, and so some, not all took the word of those who were teaching.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Song; Be Glorified

Our Father and Our God many among us want to hear Your voice. I’ve explained to some. For them to hear Your voice, they have to study Your words. Tonight this may seem like an unusual prayer. But tonight, I’m asking You to open up our understanding. Give us a thirst and desire to know Your words for ourselves. We know that You have pastors and preachers. However, we need to know that we know who You are for ourselves. In Jesus Christ’s name Amen 🙏🏾

Rev. Christopher

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